Heating under control

Heating expenses are one of the highest maintenance costs. In this tutorial, we will tell you how to reduce it and how to control your heating in more comfortable way.

After read it, you also will know how to make complicated funcionality using DOMIQ/Base with doing quite easy programming work.

The next part of this tutorial describes the concept of temperature control program and shows the implementation program in the interfaces of DOMIQ's user. We also describe you control of heating automated process using temporary rules and actions.

The whole instruction you will find in PDF file (step by step with configuration's pictures).


Attached files

TU-0006-EN-120313.pdf 12.02.2021 553 KB
switcher.lua 12.02.2021 800 B
display_config.zip 12.02.2021 4 KB


2015.02.17 12:31

Już poprawione, dziekuję za komentarz.


2015.02.16 22:11

BRAK PLIKU !!! display_config.zip

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